April 18, 2022

Hugo Largo - Mettle (1989)

Country: U.S.A.
Genre: Dream Pop
Label Number: 9 25847-2

© 1989 Opal Records
Brian Eno's label, Opal, picked up Hugo Largo for their second album, and on one hand the songs are closer to pop (or a weird art-school version thereof), yet on the other, the skill and emotional range of the band has broadened considerably. The menace of "Hot Day" abuts the beauty of "Jungle Jim" and the playfulness of "Turtle Song" (the one single from the album, bearing bonus tracks that should have been reissued). Mimi Goese draws out one word, then another, making musical loop-de-loops with the syllables, causing the listener to hang on every word for some sort of meaning. One wonders what could have come out if the group had continued, but Mettle is satisfying enough as an epitaph.

tags: hugo largo, mettle, 1989, flac,


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