Country: Holland
Language: English
Genre: Death Metal
Label Number: FDN 8244
© 1991 Foundation 2000
Mindloss, the 1991 album by the Dutch outfit Gorefest, is the group's first (but certainly not its best) death metal release. Following the early American death format (Death, Obituary, Morbid Angel, etc.), Mindloss features manic guitar and drum riffs along with vocalist Jan-Chris de Koeyer's low-pitched growling. As a derivative of the more popular Floridian and Scandinavian bands of the time, this debut stands up for the most part. De Koeyer's rasp is authoritative, the riffs are interesting, and the requisite tempo changes are laid out nicely. One-named drummer Mark doesn't keep enough of a solid beat to make this a first-rate death metal collection, but for historic value alone, fans of the genre might want to check out Mindloss. Fortunately, Mark was replaced on the superior follow-up, False. Casual fans of Gorefest might want to start their collection with this sophomore release, leaving Mindloss to the death metal completists.
tags: gorefest, mindloss, 1991, flac,
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