Language: English
Genre: Death Metal
Label Number: SHR 016
.FLAC via Florenfile
.AAC 256 kbps via Florenfile
© 1996 Shiver Records
Review by Frank Rini for Teeth of The
Inverted were a Swedish death metal band who released 2 full-length albums in the 90’s. Long out of print, Marquee Records brings us an excellent sounding reissue of Inverted’s debut album, The Shadowland. Originally released in 1996, The Shadowland has a lot of good elements. I remember hearing about them years ago, but this is the first time I’ve actually heard them. Their sound is a mix of Hypocrisy’s first 2, and best albums and early Deicide.
Opener, “Diabolical Ceremonies”, is fast and furious, with tons of blast beats and gruff vocals sounding like early Hypocrisy.
Guitars are trebly sounding and in some spots a bit on the thin side.
It may have something to do more with the lack of a heavy bass guitar
presence on the record.
“Condemned” is up next with killer mid-paced riffing, great guitar
melodies, some atmosphere and very catchy. Great blasting which takes me
back to the first 2 Deicide albums. Again, killer vocals which, while
deep, you can understand the lyrics. “Journey into Shadowland” has a
classic 90’s death metal beat opening up the song and more
death/thrashing beats permeate the song. Excellent melodic passage at
the 1.13 part before going into a European melo-death mid-paced part
then erupting into a vicious blast beat section. The mid-paced part
returns with killer guitar riffing, before returning to the excellent
opening death metal classic beat. More dual guitar melodies await with a
great slower section. The song erupts back into the vicious blast,
trailing off with the mid-paced section.
Inverted’s The Shadowland is an excellent death metal album. Released in 1996, right when the death metal scene was shifting in sound and spirit. It could be why this gem was overlooked a bit. It’s fast, brutal and memorable, but with quality songs. Above average musicianship and nice song structures. All the parts flow really well. Inverted were not attempting to out-brutal all the bands. They had their fair share of brutality, however they mixed in some atmospheric moments and melodic parts, which resulted in a dynamic and not one dimensional sounding album. Marquee Records, I know, tried tracking the band down, but since they’re broken up, found it difficult get any real info on the band. There is the added bonus track: “Across the Lake of Flames”, which is killer.
The booklet is sparse, no lyrics, but a band photo is included, as well as the cool album cover and inner artwork. The entire cd tray is layed out excellently. Mr. Sidney Sohn Jr. provides The Shadowland with a new and upgraded master. Album sounds crisp and cuts right through you. Again the album has a bit of a thin production, which can only be cleaned up through a remix. But overall the remaster makes this sound kick ass. Inverted’s The Shadowland should certainly be in your collection if you were entrenched on the 90’s death metal brutality sounds, it’s an awesome album.
tags: inverted, the shadowland, 1996, flac,
Thanks Buck! 🤘