Genre: Heavy Metal
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☠: Selected by Lass
© 1990 Regency RecordsReviewed by Tony Cummings for Cross
Arsenal aren't in the First Division. Well, yes I know the Arsenal are there (and top as we go to press). What I mean is that Arsenal, the US white metal team aren't First Division metal merchants. It's hard for metal bands sporting female vocalists. Even those fine old metal warhorses Rez didn't always sound convincing with female vocals while Christine Steel, though sporting a fine name for a metal singer, too often falls into the mannered posturings that made those early Bride albums so dull, while the chorus on "Someone Believes In You" is positively wimpish. Also the songs are decidedly dull riffs-and-hooks heard a hundred times before. Great meaty drum sounds can't cover the paucity of ideas.
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.
tags: arsenal, armored choir, 1990, flac,
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